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Supporter Toolkit

Are you supporting someone going through the criminal legal system? This section is for  friends, family, chosen family and community working to support those who've been arrested, are navigating court, or in prison.




Supporting people in the criminal legal system

Providing support to someone facing criminalization and/or incarceration can save their life. The stress of navigating the criminal legal system or facing prison can be huge - even for someone who has dealt with it before.


Likewise, it's difficult to see friends, family and chosen family be arrested and dragged through the system. Often in these situations we carry our own stress and worry - but also the residual stress of those who have been criminalized, and additional workload stress if we're working to organize legal or release support.  It's important to resource ourselves as we work towards the support and liberation of those who've been criminalized.


In this toolkit, you'll find:


  • A "Resourcing" section that is meant to help supporters find ways to manage stress

  • A section to help supporters understand the criminal legal system (CLS) itself

  • A "Tips" & "FAQ" section to answer common questions

  • A section to learn more about how racism is responsible for criminalizing Black, Brown and Indigenous people - and keeps them wrapped up in the criminal legal system for longer

  • A section to learn more about ableism in the criminal legal system

  • Sections on how to support individuals who've been arrested, are navigating the court system, or spending time in custody.


Understand how being Black, Indigenous, or otherwise racialized impacts a person's every interaction with the criminal legal system - from someone's decision to call police, to the outcome of sentencing and parole.

Those who are disabled, autistic, or neurodivergent are more likely to have police called on them, interact with the court system, and face sentences that involve prison. Read more about barriers & ableism in our criminal legal system.

A primer for understanding and navigating the "canadian" criminal legal system and it's processes.

Some basic support tips & frequently asked questions supporters may have.

Supporting individuals who have been arrested.

Supporting those navigating the court process.

Supporting those being held in custody, either awaiting bail, on remand, or having a carceral sentence.

A collection of resources for those supporting individuals through the criminal legal system.

A free, a plain-language resource meant for people currently in jail or prison who can't access this website. It contains information on the legal process, legal options, as well as resources for prisoners and their support systems.

The Laidlaw Foundation logo, in blue text
Law Foundation of Ontario Logo, which includes the organization's name and a purple image of courthouse columns
The Disability Justice Network of Ontario Logo, which includes the organization's name with a crown of yellow, light and dark blues fanning around it.
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