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Prisoner Solidarity: Accessing Medical

Sitting in the police station while waiting for a bail hearing I heard someone across the hall asking to speak with their lawyer. The police kept telling them the person had already spoken with duty counsel and that they weren’t allowed any more calls. It became clear this person had also been injured during their arrest.


When I spoke to my lawyer, I told them about the situation. My lawyer seemed hesitant to call at first because he didn’t want to step on anyone’s toes, but eventually he agreed to try and follow up.


About five minutes later the police came to the guy’s cell to let them speak with (my) lawyer. Unfortunately, the cops also knew I had tipped the lawyer off and delayed my transfer to bail court. It was still worth it. They ended up transferring that guy to the hospital.

The Laidlaw Foundation logo, in blue text
Law Foundation of Ontario Logo, which includes the organization's name and a purple image of courthouse columns
The Disability Justice Network of Ontario Logo, which includes the organization's name with a crown of yellow, light and dark blues fanning around it.
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